When I consult families as director of TSCHAA, I often hear things like:
“I just want to make sure I am doing right.”
“What is the right way to homeschool?”
“This curriculum isn’t working, but everyone else says it is what I should be doing.”
“(Insert professional’s name) says I need to do things differently or I should put my child in public school.”
“But, am I doing it right?”
Everyone is searching for the “right” way to homeschool, and that search is often based on other people’s opinions. Yet, as the platypus demonstrates, there is no “right” way to be a mammal; there is no “right” way to homeschool.
Make sure you are focusing on your family’s needs and creating a learning environment that works for your unique family. If your homeschool does not look like anyone else’s homeschool (or public/private school) and your child is learning, then you are probably doing it right!
Homeschool Platypus